(More of a personal re-cap than a review)
This is brought to us by 'visionary' 300 director and 'watchmen' fan boy Zak Snyder. It was inevitable that the film was going to be heavily criticized by fans from the start, but compared to other adaptions of Alan Moore's work, this has to be the best so far. ( from hell and v for vendetta were very average films at best, with the exception of league of extraordinary gentlemen which was incredibly bad)
If you're a fan of the original graphic novel, then you're probably already going to be biast like alot of people were/are, and you'll no doubt see flaws here and there through out the film (especially the ending which seems quite 'infamous' among the fans of the original work)
But that doesn't mean this can't be enjoyed, and as a film i think this works very well. Zack Snyder has shot this in a superb way, and ive herd alot of people say its style over substance, which i disagree with. The cinematography and special effects obviously make it a pleasurable visual experience, But this isn't on the same level as Avatar when it comes to style over substance. Alan Moore's characters are brought to life and to the big screen perfectly here, with some especially outstanding performances from Jackie Earle Haley as RORSCHACH and patrick wilson as NIGHT OWL II.
Whether you're a fan of the graphic novel, or haven't even read it, id recommend this to anyone.
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