Friday 4 December 2009


I saw you last night,

and i felt your hopelessness.

i don't want you to brush that off,

i want you to sincerely know that there was a moment when i was fully absorbed in all that had

dragged you down.

i felt that cancer, and it saddened me so.

never have i felt so much fear.

i can see you're running away, you might be fooling them, but you're not fooling me. But thats okay.

don't be further afraid of this my friend, please know i mean it in every comforting way possible.

you're lonely and ever so haunted, and you don't want to know the answers to your questions.

answers like that will cut you so hard, it will be something you won't be walking away from.

and that's a realisation we both cant handle right now.

and if anything, at least we have that in common, my familiar stranger.

at least theres that.